Month: December 2019

MORNING DRIVE BIBLE CLASSIC: In the Beginning… or Not?

“In the Beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth.” It’s perhaps the simplest verse in the Bible – and David and Scott are already arguing over the correct translation. Join them for an eye-opening episode!


David and Scott begin an investigation of the Spirit of G-d mentioned in the second verse of the Bible… after first discussing another modern miracle taking place in the State of Israel.

(124) The Importance of Humility

As we conclude our journey through the five verses of repentance, David explains why “walking humbly with G-d” is a key component of return.

(123) Combatting Moral Relativism

The verse in Proverbs 3:6 states, “Know Him in all your ways.” David and Scott explain how this is an important ingredient in the fight against moral relativism.

(122) Loving Your Neighbor as a Key to Repentance

David continues his explication of the five verses that present the keys to repentance with “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s a very important idea, but how is it related to our return to G-d?

(121) The New Creation of Me

“I place the Lord before me always” – a beautiful sentiment. But why is it a key idea in repentance? And what does it teach me about the possibility of gaining confidence in myself?

(120) Choose Mapquest, Not Waze

Who would ever use Mapquest instead of Waze?! Why, Waze helps you avoid problems that you didn’t even anticipate, whereas Mapquest doesn’t let you avoid anything! But David argues that in our journey to G-d, Mapquest is the way to go – and is the means to achieve authentic spiritual growth.

(119) The Bible’s Two Lists of the Thirteen Attributes

The Bible offers two lists of G-d’s thirteen attributes of mercy: one in Exodus, and one in the Book of Micah. How do they correspond to each other? Join David and Scott to find out.

(118) Is the Name of G-d an Attribute of Mercy?

The thirteen attributes of divine mercy that appear in Exodus 34 begin with the name of G-d mentioned three times – the Tetragrammaton twice, and then the Hebrew word for “G-d.” Are these all counted among the thirteen, and if so, what do they mean? Listen to David and Scott duke it out in today’s Morning Drive Bible.

(117) Formulaic Prayer: Magic Words or Something Deeper?

G-d informs Moses that whenever Israel recites the thirteen attributes of mercy, He will forgive them. Doesn’t this sound like a type of magic trick? Isn’t prayer supposed to be about building a relationship with G-d, rather than the mindless recitation of a formula? Join David and Scott as they tackle this difficult question and, in the process, help us understand the place of standardized prayer.